Finally done.

Well we arent done completely.
but we are moved in. i like the house i guess. its big.

but i have a LOT of freaking cons.
uhh; the freezer doesnt have automatic ice.
i love ice: it HAS to be in a cup of w/e im drinking.
ugh; theres no ice. i was drinking warm ass orange juice.
how nasty.

my room is smaller.
this was suppose to be my liddle brothers room,
but he got to "pick his room" while i was at werk.
this is what dayna told me.


my door doesnt have a lock on it.
everyone elses does. mine dont.
thats bad. i always lock my door.
now dayna really gonna be busting in.

&& last but NOT least.
this area sucksssss.
nothing is walking distance.
bayshore equals death.
i do NOT like it at all.

i was literally about to cry when we were drivinng away.
ive never cried before; when moving from a house.
soo far from friends. just EVERYTHING.

im not really that happy.
i mean. im glad we got a house, and all that but yeah.

ppl keep calling me.
&& im getting distracted; plus im rambling.