-- Lets mark it on a calendar.
&& make it a national holiday.
ive been thinking on trying to make this blog perfect,
all thee right things to say.
how to write it. . . blaahh.
ill just write from thee heart.
how cliche of me, right?
It started with a picture comment:
this is thee picture.
(why i remember this?, i really dont know
but when yu love someone as much as i do her
liddle details are the ones that count thee most)
&& thats all she wrote.
history in thee making. . .lmao.
ok, im dragging it. but yeah.
i could give you thee wholllllle run through;
of what happened with us but i wont,
TWO YEARS - is just a long time.
i cant say two years w/o smiling, :]
two FREAKING years.
many ups & downs.
hang-ups & call backs.
youtube vids; computer lovin'
east coast, mid-west slang.
pregnant & big headed gfs.
cookie; mashed potatoes; duckiee
my personal diary.
nicknames up thee ying yang,
but soulmate is first on my list.
distance makes thee heart grow fonder,
thee only thing that truly seperates us.
different time zones & what not.
but that shit doesnt matter to me.
just NEED her to know.
i love you.
&& i will wait forever if i have to.
even for thee slightest touch
maybe i AM making it something
WAYYYY bigger than what it is;
but once again: I Don't Care.